Lectionary Calendar
Friday, September 20th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Bible Commentaries
Hebrews 1

Morgan's Exposition on the Whole BibleMorgan's Exposition

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Verses 1-14

The first words of this epistle plunge to the heart of the subject. Two truths are revealed: the first, God; the second, that God has revealed Himself. Two periods of revelation are referred to, that "of old time," and that "at the end of these days." These periods are contrasted. The first was characterized by diversity. The new is characterized by unity. The whole argument is to show the superiority of the speech that has come through the Son.

His glories are set forth in a sevenfold description. He is "Heir of all things," Creator of the ages, Effulgence of the glory of God, "the very Image of His Substance," the Upholder of all things, the Purifier of sins, joint Ruler with "the Majesty on high."

His superiority to all that had preceded Him is first shown with reference to angels. The argument occupies this and most of the next chapter. The subject is introduced by seven quotations from the Old Testament in which His relationship to God as Son, His superiority in the matter of the divine service, and His sharing of the divine throne, are set forth. The majority of the quotations are from the Psalms.

Bibliographical Information
Morgan, G. Campbell. "Commentary on Hebrews 1". "Morgan's Exposition on the Bible". https://beta.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/gcm/hebrews-1.html. 1857-84.
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