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Friday, September 20th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Bible Commentaries
Revelation 11

Bullinger's Companion Bible NotesBullinger's Companion Notes

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Verse 1

reed. Greek. kalamos. Elsewhere (in Rev.) Revelation 21:15 , Revelation 21:16 . See App-88 , first note.

unto = to.

rod = sceptre, as elsewhere in Rev. See Revelation 2:27 ; Revelation 12:5 ; Revelation 19:15 . This measuring reed is like a sceptre, and measures for destruction, not for building. See Lamentations 2:8 .

and . . . stood. The texts omit.

saying. i.e. (the giver) saying.

Rise. App-178 . Only here in Rev.

Temple. Greek. naos. See Revelation 3:12 .Matthew 23:16 .

God App-98 .

altar. See Revelation 8:3 , &c.

and them. Read "and (record) them". Figure of speech Ellipsis. App-6 .

Worship. App-137 .

therein = in (Greek. en) it.

Verse 2

without, out. Greek. exothen, meaning outside.

leave = east out. Greek. ekballo, a strong term.

is = was.

Gentiles. Greek. ethnos. Occurs twenty-three times in Rev., invariably translated "nations", except here. See App-197 .

holy city. See Matthew 4:5 .

tread . . . foot. Greek. paleo . Only here; Revelation 14:20 ; Revelation 19:15 .Luke 10:19 ; Luke 21:24 , where see note. All these particulars refer to an actual Temple. The church of God knows nothing of an altar here, of a naos, of a court of the Gentiles. All point to the Temple yet to he built in the holy city, i.e. Jerusalem. This Temple will be on earth (see Structure 1894).

forty and two months = 1,260 days = 3 years and a half. A specific period stated in literal language. Compare Revelation 11:3 ; Revelation 12:6 , Revelation 12:14 ; Revelation 13:5 .Daniel 7:25 ; Daniel 12:7 . Luke 4:25 .James 5:17 .

Verse 3

give. Add " power ". Figure of speech Ellipsis. App-6 .

My two witnesses. God has not specified their names. We know that two men are to be raised up "in that day", endowed with wondrous powers to execute a special mission. They are called emphatically "MY two witnesses "(See Revelation 1:5 ).

prophesy. See Revelation 10:11 and App-189 .

a thousand . . . days = forty-two months, Revelation 11:2 . The periods are probably synchronous.

thousand. See Revelation 14:20 and App-197 .

Verse 4

are. i.e. represent.

two olive trees. Compare Zechariah 4:3 , Zechariah 4:11 , Zechariah 4:14 , where by the same Figure of speech ( Metaphor ) two persons are represented.

standing. The texts read "which stand".

God. The texts read "Lord".

of the earth. App-129 . See Joshua 3:11 , Joshua 3:13 .Zechariah 6:6 , and compare Psalms 115:18 .

Verse 5

if. App-118 . a, with the texts.

any man = any one. App-123 .

will. App-102 .

fire. Compare Jeremiah 5:14 .

Verse 6

power. App-172 .

heaven. See Revelation 3:12 .

that = in order that. Greek. hina.

not. App-105 .

in. Greek. en . but the texts omit.

prophecy. See App-189 .

waters = the waters.

to = into.

plagues. See App-197 .

will = shall desire. App-102 .

Verse 7

finished. See Revelation 10:7 .

testimony. As in Revelation 1:2 , &c. Their testimony ended, they are at the mercy of their enemies.

beast = wild beast, See Revelation 6:8 . First mention of this terrible being, whose rise is depicted in Revelation 13:0 .

bottomless pit. See Revelation 9:1 .

against. Greek. meta. App-104 .

overcome. As in Rev 2 and Revelation 3:0 . See App-197 .

kill. The two witnesses are on earth during Revelation 13:0 , and the beast is on earth in Revelation 11:0 .

Verse 8

dead bodies = corpse (singular, with all texts). Greek. ptoma. Only here, Revelation 11:9 (plural) Matthew 24:28 . Mark 6:29 .

shall lie. Read "lie".

in. Greek. epi . App-104 .

street. Greek. plateia, a broad place or way, rather than "street". See Revelation 21:21 ; Revelation 22:2 .

the great city. See Jeremiah 22:8 . Jerusalem will have been rebuilt only to be again destroyed. See Isaiah 25:2-9 .

spiritually. See 1 Corinthians 2:14 .

Sodom and Egypt. Compare Isaiah 1:9 , Isaiah 1:10 . Ezekiel 16:46 , Ezekiel 16:53 ; Ezekiel 23:3 , Ezekiel 23:8 , Ezekiel 23:19 , Ezekiel 23:27 . See Psalms 9:9 ; Psalms 10:1 .

our. The texts read "their", The Holy Spirit thus points to the city in the plainest way.

crucified. Only here in Rev.

Verse 9

of. App-104 .

people = peoples.

kindreds = tribes. as Revelation 1:7 .

shall see = see, with texts. App-133 .

shall. Omit.

three days and an half. A literal period.

shall not suffer = suffer not.

graves = a tomb, a word destructive of interpretations of the two witnesses as the O.T. and N.T.

Verse 10

upon, on. App-104 .

shall. Omit.

over. Greek. epi . App-104 .

send. App-174 .

prophets. App-189 .

tormented. See Revelation 9:5 .

Verse 11

after. App-104 .

three = the three.

spirit of life = breath of life. Greek. pneuma (compare App-101 .) zoes ( App-170 .) Compare Septuagint of Genesis 6:17 ; Genesis 7:15 . See also Genesis 2:7 ; Genesis 7:22 ( pnoe ).

from. Greek. ek. App-104 .

into. Greek. en. App-104 .

fell. Greek. pipto . The texts read the strong word epipipto, indicating a paralyzing fear.

saw. App-133 .

Verse 12

to heaven = into (Greek. eis) the heaven (See Revelation 3:12 ).

a = the cloud. See Acts 1:9 .

beheld. Same as "saw", Revelation 11:11 .

Verse 13

the same = in (Greek. en) that.

was there = there came to be.

tenth part = tenth. ( App-10 and App-197 ).

of men. Literally names of men ( App-123 .)

seven thousand. See App-197 .

remnant. App-124 .

were = became.

glory. See p. 1511 and App-197 .

Verse 14

second. One of the three in Revelation 8:13 .

and. Omit.

behold. App-133 .

cometh = is coming.

Verse 15

seventh angel. This seventh trumpet embraces the seven vials, or last seven plagues, which make up the third woe, and reaches on to Revelation 18:24 , if not Revelation 20:15 .

were. Literally came to be.

kingdoms. The texts read "kingdom", i.e. sovereignty.

world. App-129 .

are = is.

Christ. App-98 .

He . . . ever. See Exodus 15:18 . Psalms 146:10 .

for . . . ever. See Revelation 1:6 .

Verse 16

sat = sit.

on. App-104 .

seats = thrones.

fell, &c. See Revelation 4:10 .

Verse 17

Almighty = the Almighty. See Revelation 1:8 .

and . . . come. The texts omit. Now, here, He h as come. See Revelation 1:4 .

to Thee. Omit.

power. App-172 .1; Rev 176:1 .

hast reigned = reignedst.

Verse 18

is come = came. See Isaiah 26:20 , Isaiah 26:21 .

time. Greek. kairos. See App-195 .

dead. App-139 .

judged. App-122 . See Revelation 20:12-15 .John 5:24 .Romans 8:1 .

that Thou shouldest = to.

reward = the reward.

servants. App-190 .

prophets. App-189 . See Hebrews 11:32 .

saints. See Revelation 13:7 , Revelation 13:10 ; Revelation 14:12 ; Revelation 16:6 . This special term for O.T. saints is found in Daniel 7:18 , &c. See Acts 9:13 .

small . . . great = the small . . . the great.

shouldest = to.

destroy = are destroying. They are found in Ch. Revelation 18:19 , Revelation 18:20 .

Verse 19

was . . . heaven. The texts read "which is in heaven was opened".

seen. App-133 .

testament = covenant. Greek. diatheke. Only occurrence in Rev.

great hail. Corresponds with Revelation 16:21 .

Bibliographical Information
Bullinger, Ethelbert William. "Commentary on Revelation 11". "Bullinger's Companion bible Notes". https://beta.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/bul/revelation-11.html. 1909-1922.
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