Bible Commentaries
Isaiah 46

Gann's Commentary on the BibleGann on the Bible

Verse 9

Notes from Alex Bayes’ Wed. Zoom Bible Study - May 20, 2020.

Inerrancy of God’s Word --

Isaiah, One little Book that shows and teaches inerrancy of God’s Word.

See Isaiah 40:1 for the full outline.

Isaiah 46:10 - To the gods of Babylon. "I" make known the end from the beginning!

Isaiah 46:8 - None like me! How different GOD is from the idol gods!

Isaiah 48:1-6 - Isaiah 48:3 Therefore I told you these things long ago!

Deuteronomy 28:15 -ff Told them specifically what would happen if they deserted God’s Word and went after idols! Destruction; down to the eating of human flesh.

Isaiah 48:5 - Told this before they happened!

Could not say, "my image did this!"

Read Jeremiah 44 100 years after Isaiah wrote.

Jer saw first hand the things that Isaiah foresaw.

Jeremiah 44:15 - The next generation of Israel. Came to Jeremiah and said,

"We will NOT listen!"

LESSON: Just because you recognize God’s Word is inerrant ...

That doesn’t mean you are in obedience.

How does God’s Word shape you life?

Verse 10

Notes from Alex Bayes’ Wed. Zoom Bible Study - May 20, 2020.

Inerrancy of God’s Word --

Isaiah, One little Book that shows and teaches inerrancy of God’s Word.

See Isaiah 40:1 for the full outline.

Isaiah 44:8 Isaiah 44:7-8; God is making a case, "No one but GOD for tells things like this!

Where is the god (idol) that can do this?

God told the truth - long ago - what would happen! (Deut 18; Deut 28)

You can trust what I say! It will come to pass.

Isaiah 44:28 Isaiah 45:1; Isaiah 45:13 v. 28 "Cyrus" - very special, detailed! Note what Cyrus will do -

1) rebuild my city; 2) set my exiles free 3) but not for a price or reward (Cyrus was not bribed to do this)

Isaiah 45:21 - God did not play around with Israel!

God’s challenge to these idols! "Was it not I!"

By my mouth - a word that cannot be revoked!

Isaiah 46:10 - To the gods of Babylon. "I" make known the end from the beginning!

Isaiah 46:8 - None like me! How different GOD is from the idol gods!

Isaiah 48:1-6 - Isaiah 48:3 Therefore I told you these things long ago!

Deuteronomy 28:15 -ff Told them specifically what would happen if they deserted God’s Word and went after idols! Destruction; down to the eating of human flesh.

Isaiah 48:5 - Told this before they happened!

Could not say, "my image did this!"

Read Jeremiah 44 100 years after Isaiah wrote.

Jer saw first hand the things that Isaiah foresaw.

Jeremiah 44:15 - The next generation of Israel. Came to Jeremiah and said,

"We will NOT listen!"

LESSON: Just because you recognize God’s Word is inerrant ...

That doesn’t mean you are in obedience.

How does God’s Word shape you life?

Bibliographical Information
Gann, Windell. "Commentary on Isaiah 46". Gann's Commentary on the Bible. 2021.