Daily Devotionals
Grace for Today
Devotional: March 13th

Matthew 11:28

‘Come unto me’

Read Luke 8:41-56

Coming to Christ is the one essential thing for salvation. He that does not come to Christ, do what he may, or think what he may, is yet in ‘the gall of bitterness and in the bonds of iniquity’. Coming to Christ is the very first result of regeneration. The soul that is quickened by the power of God at once realizes its lost condition. Feeling a sense of divine wrath, the quickened sinner flees to Christ and trusts him for salvation. Where there is no coming to Christ, there is no salvation. But how does a poor sinner come to Christ?

1. Coming to Christ is not a mere Physical act. In our day, men have substituted coming to the front of the church for coming to Christ. Much uproar is made when we say that this is a deception. But I must remind you that during the Savior’s earthly ministry, many came to him with their feet and their lips whose hearts were far from him.

2. Coming to Christ is not a mere mental act. Many believe the faith of Christ’s words, that is, they give intellectual assent to them, whose hearts are yet unchanged. At heart they are still children of wrath.

3. Coming to Christ is an act faith. It is the response of the heart to the sovereign, life-giving power of God. It is that act of the soul whereby we leave our sins and our self-righteousness and flee to the Lord Jesus Christ. It is simply trusting his righteousness to be our covering and his blood to be our atonement. Coming to Christ is the repentance of sin, the denial of self, and faith in him who is God’s salvation. Coming to Christ is the belief of the truth, the crying of the soul unto God and the submission of the heart to Christ’s absolute lordship as it is revealed in the gospel. Come now, my friend, away from yourselves, away from your self-righteousness and away from your false refuges - come unto Christ. He alone is able to save poor sinners. Christ is also willing to save poor sinners. Come now to Christ, the true altar, and lay hold of him for eternal life.