Daily Devotionals
Grace for Today
Devotional: June 27th

Matthew 22:14

‘Few are chosen’

Read Luke 14:7-24

The vast majority of those to whom the gospel is preached will not believe it. Some flatly reject it. Some pay no attention to it. Some, in order to soothe their consciences, pretend to believe it and join the church. And multitudes substitute a religious form for faith in Christ, the waters of baptism for the blood of Christ and their own works for the righteousness of Christ (Matthew 7:13-14). ‘For many are called, but few are chosen.’

Blessed be God, he has chosen some! There are some in this world God has chosen to save and they will all, sooner or later, believe on Christ. The rest have been left to themselves. God has done them no injustice. He simply lets them have their own way. He does not violate their will. He does not force them to do what they choose not to do. He does not give them what they do not want. Pity the man God leaves alone! That man will never believe on Christ and be saved (John 10:16; John 10:26; Acts 13:46-48).

There is no question about it at all, God has an elect people in this world, a people whom he is determined to save, saying, ‘I will be their God, and they shall be my people.’ (SeeJohn 15:16; John 15:16; Romans 9:11-13; Ephesians 1:3-6; 1 Thessalonians 1:4; 2 Thessalonians 2:13.) These are the people for whom we labor. We are seeking the Lord’s sheep. We preach the gospel for the elect’s sake. Can you rejoice in electing love? How we ought to rejoice that our names are written in heaven, written in the book of life before the foundation of the world! (Luke 10:20, cf Revelation 13:8; Revelation 16:8.)

‘Few are chosen.’ Are you among this favored company? Are you one of God’s elect? If you do truly rest your soul upon Christ alone, trusting his righteousness as your only righteousness and his blood as your only atonement, clinging to him as your only hope and acceptance before God, rejoice! You would never have such faith had God not chosen you in Christ before the world began (John 6:37-40). Saving faith is the result of eternal, electing grace (Philippians 1:29).