Daily Devotionals
Grace for Today
Devotional: July 8th

Psalms 37:1

‘Fret not’

Read Matthew 6:19-24

We all have to deal with depression. You and I are not alone in our troubles. All of God’s people face the same troubles, heartaches, pains and sorrows that you face. And at times we all become emotionally, mentally and spiritually depressed. The only difference is that some are able to cope with depression, while others feed it. Like you, I sometimes have fits of morbid depression. But I have found that there are some things which always help me to overcome my sinful depression. Yes, I said, ‘sinful’. Depression is both a foolish and sinful thing. When you get to the essence of it, you are sure to find that it amounts to nothing but pride and self-pity. Here are some things which help me to overcome this evil.

1. The Word of God is a source of great consolation and encouragement. The next time you feel depression coming, take your Bible down and read it. Meditate upon the promises of God, the redemption of Christ, the grace of God upon you, the providence of God for you and the home awaiting you.

2. Personal worship, communion and fellowship with Christ will soon drive away your dark depression. Go to the Lord in prayer. Pour out your soul to him. Worship and praise him in private. Spend much time with the Man of sorrows, and your sorrows will soon become very insignificant.

3. The fellowship of God’s people does much to defeat depression. Usually, when you are greatly depressed, you want to be alone. Nothing could be worse for you than that. Seek out some child of God and chat with him about God’s abundant mercy in Christ, not about your mutual woes! And be sure that you meet together with God’s elect in the house of worship. Many suffer with depression far longer than they need, simply because they neglect the assembly of the saints and the ministry of the Word.

4. Cast all your care upon the Lord he does care for you! His shoulders are broad enough and strong enough to carry your load. There is no need for you to carry it. Faith in Christ is the best cure for every form of depression.