Daily Devotionals
Grace for Today
Devotional: November 8th

John 10:3

‘He calleth his own sheep by name’

Read John 10:1-28

There are many examples of this divine call in the Word of God. You who are saved will bear me witness that it was a personal call which brought you to Christ. It was some sermon, anointed of God, which led you to feel that you were, without question, the person for whom the sermon was intended. Perhaps the text was ‘Thou, God, seest me.’ And the preacher laid such particular stress on the word ‘me’, that you thought God’s eye was fixed particularly on you. Before the sermon was finished, you could almost see God opening the books to condemn you. Your heart whispered, ‘Can any hide himself in the secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord.’ You may have been seated in a packed auditorium, but you had a solemn conviction that God spoke directly to you by the voice of his servant.

God does not call his people in masses, but one by one. God does not call his people in general, but in particular. God’s call is personal, particular and distinguishing. You know that this is the doctrine of the Bible. There were many crowding the Jericho road, but our Lord came to a certain place and said to a certain man, ‘Zacchaeus, make haste and come down.’ ‘Jesus saith unto her, Mary; and she turned unto him and said unto him, Master.’ Jesus saw Peter and John fishing by the lake, and he said unto them , ‘Follow me.” And they followed him. He saw Matthew sitting at the receipt of custom and he said unto him, ‘Arise, and follow me.’ And Matthew arose and followed him.

When the Holy Spirit comes home to a man, God’s arrows do more than merely graze his helmet, or make some little scratch upon his armor they penetrate between the joints and harness, entering the marrow of his soul and the deep recesses of his heart. Have you received this personal, particular, distinguishing call of divine grace? Arise, then and come to Christ, saying,

Let me at the throne of mercy Find a sweet relief, Kneeling there in deep contrition, Help my unbelief.