Daily Devotionals
Grace for Today
Devotional: November 21st

Ephesians 1:3

‘Who hath blessed us’

Read Psalms 136:1-26

We are blessed by the providence of God. To all true believers, all who are chosen of God, redeemed by Christ and called by the Holy Spirit, it is promised that all things, both the evil that darkens our days and the good that lights our way, work together for our spiritual and eternal good. Child of God, our heavenly Father has promised us good and nothing but good, for time and eternity. He has promised that nothing will ever happen except that which will have a good effect upon his own. ‘There shall no evil happen to the just’ (Proverbs 12:21). Yes, we do experience things which seem to the eye of flesh to be evil, things which cause us pain, heartache and sorrow. But God will see to it that these things, and all things, work together for our good. God is as good as his word and faith takes God at his word. By our own experience, by the Word of God and by the inner witness of the Spirit, ‘We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose’ (Romans 8:28). It is not true that all things will just happen to turn out for good. But it is true that all things work together, according to God’s wisdom, purpose and power, for the good of his elect. And soon we shall see that it has been true.

In heaven’s eternal light we’ll see, All things worked out for good.

And we shall be blessed in the presence of God. When our life’s journey is over, we shall stand before God perfectly holy and perfectly righteous, being washed in the blood of Christ and robed in his righteousness. Through the imputed righteousness of Christ, God has ‘made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light’ (Colossians 1:12). All the blessings of eternal glory which were promised to us in the covenant of grace, earned for us by the righteousness of Christ, purchased for us by the blood of Christ and claimed for us by the ascension of Christ into heaven will be ours in real possession. Not one of God’s children will lack any portion of the heavenly inheritance. In Christ we are worthy of all and we shall have all. We are blessed indeed!