Daily Devotionals
Grace for Today
Devotional: December 17th

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

What is love?

Read 1 Corinthians 13:1-13

1. ‘Love suffereth long.’ Love is not vengeful, but forbearing. Love is not malicious, but forgiving.

2. ‘Love is kind.’ What a blessed word ‘kind’! Let me be surrounded by kind, gentle, thoughtful, caring people. Let me be kind to those around me.

3. ‘Love envieth not.’ Love does not envy the happiness, peace and prosperity of others, but rejoices in it.

4. ‘Love vaunteth not itself.’ It is not rash. It does not promote, honor, exalt or pamper self

5. ‘Love is not puffed up.’ It is not self-centered, conceited or condescending towards other people.

6. ‘Love doth not behave itself unseemly.’ It is neither flattering nor scornful.

7. ‘Love seeketh not her own.’ Love does not look after self, but rather looks after its object.

8. ‘Love is not easily provoked.’ It is not soon given to anger, or ill-temper.

9. ‘Love thinketh no evil.’ Love is not suspicious of evil in others. It puts the best possible light on all actions and words.

10. ‘Love rejoiceth not in iniquity.’ Love takes no pleasure ill the sins and infirmities of others and mourns over personal sin.

11. ‘Love rejoiceth in the truth.’ It rejoices in the faithfulness of men, the truth of God and the success of the gospel.

12. ‘Love beareth all things.’ It bears the burdens, infirmities and cares of the one loved, and bears the reproach of Christ gladly.

13. ‘Love believeth all things.’ Love is quick to believe the best and slow to receive the evil reports of men about its dear object.

14. ‘Love hopeth all things.’ It hopes the best of its object and shuns to consider the worst.

15. ‘Love endureth all things.’ For the sake of those loved, Christ and his people, love will willingly endure any hardship.

16. ‘Love never faileth.’ True love never quits loving. It only grows deeper, stronger and firmer, even to eternity.