Daily Devotionals
Golden Treasury
Devotional: December 14th

Give an account of thy stewardship. Luke 16:2.

O Lord, how have I wasted my time, goods, and faculties! O pardon me for thine infinite mercy’s sake, blot out my debt by thy blood, and grant that keeping henceforth daily and hourly a good account, and acting more prudent, faithful, and diligent, my reckoning may not be too foul at last. But preserve me also from all needless cares; since the care where to get something is not the steward’s business, but only to husband every thing faithfully.

Therefore Luther often prayed, “Teach me, O Lord, and give me wisdom and grace to govern my house, and manage all my affairs rightly. Be thou the principal Governor and Father of my family. I will be nothing but thy servant; direct me only in all things, that I may not suffer or do any harm." He that does not expostulate with God, but accuses himself as guilty in all things, even his best performances, and flies to Christ as his only refuge, will be justified of God through the righteousness of his dear Son. And being thus adopted of God, he is ready and willing to be governed and directed by him in all things as a child.

That awful day will surely come,
The appointed hour makes haste,
When I must stand before my Judge,
And pass the solemn test.

Thou lovely chief of all my joys.
Thou sovereign of my heart:
How could I bear to hear thy voice,
Pronounce the sound, Depart!