Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 1 of 5
Devotional: January 29th

Genesis 19:1-14

What a contrast between the happy visit which the angels paid to Abraham at midday and their sad mission to Sodom on the evening of the same day! And what reticence they show in accepting Lot’s invitation even though it is so pressing (v. 2)! How could they have communion with this believer in such a wrong situation? They only enter into his house in order to protect and to deliver him. Moreover, Lot himself has never been at ease in this depraved city. We would not have known this if the New Testament had not revealed it to us. But God who knows the hearts of men, is anxious to tell us that Lot was a just man, and that, far from taking part in the evil, he was from day to day "vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked" (2 Peter 2:7-8). It was wickedness which the men of Sodom are not ashamed to flaunt in the course of that dramatic night (compare Isaiah 3:9). They act in such a way that the LORD who had said "if not – if this is not true – I will know" (Genesis 18:21), does not need any other evidence since these men testify against themselves.

Lot is not taken seriously even by his sons-in-law. When a believer has, for a time, walked with the world, he no longer has any authority to speak of judgment. No one will listen to him.