Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 1 of 5
Devotional: April 22nd

Exodus 15:17-27

Up to v. 16, the song of the children of Israel celebrates what the LORD has just done for His people. Vv. 17 and 18 proclaim what He will do in the future. The fruits of victory are seen by faith. God has prepared for Himself:

1. an inheritance,

2. a habitation,

3. a sanctuary,

4. a kingdom.

In his first epistle, Peter shows us the new shape of things these blessings take under the Christian dispensation (Read 1 Peter 1:4; 1 Peter 2:5; ; 1 Peter 2:9).

The people are now ransomed, on the way towards the promised land. In the same way, our Christian course begins with conversion and its end is the glory. But between the two, on the road, are the experiences of the wilderness. The first of these great lessons is Marah. Like these bitter waters the Lord allows us to meet with on our way painful and disappointing circumstances. But as soon as we understand that these vexations are permitted for our good, as soon as we import into them the power of the cross of Christ, then, without any change in these circumstances, they cease to have a bitter taste and we even find joy in them and consolation (read Romans 5:3 . . .; 2 Corinthians 12:9). We are then in a position to appreciate Elim, this place of refreshment and rest, picture of the gathering together of believers where God has commanded the blessing (Psalms 133:3).