Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 1 of 5
Devotional: July 1st

Leviticus 13:29-44

Certain spots, certain skin diseases, could be misleading. The sick person was then shut in for seven days, then examined to make sure whether or not a leprosy sore was present. Let us never judge hastily! Let us take care to think well of others rather than attribute bad motives to them at the outset. "Love . . . thinketh no evil." (1 Corinthians 13:5). Notice that the sick man had not given his opinion. It was the priest who saw then pronounced on the nature of the sore. What the man thought of his own case was of no consequence. He might feel nothing, even believe himself in perfect health, yet all the time be seriously ill. How many people are unaware that they have fallen victim to the sickness of sin. They have never considered their condition in the light of the Word of God; they have never shown themselves to the Priest. He it is who establishes man’s guilt and declares him hopelessly lost. "Cease ye from man . . . for wherein is he to be accounted of?" (Isaiah 2:22). But the Priest who pronounces thus on our condition is also the One who has made it His concern in grace, as the Great Physician, and has given us a complete healing for our souls (Luke 5:31).