Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 1 of 5
Devotional: July 12th

Leviticus 21:1-24

In the same way in which the simple fact of belonging to Aaron’s family conferred the title of priest, all the redeemed of the Lord are today worshippers. On the other hand a priest could be disqualified in respect of the fulfilment of his service. Contact with death, a marriage not according to God, an incurable physical defect, deprived the son of Aaron of his holy functions. He was authorised to feed on the bread of God just like his brothers (v. 22), but he did not know the joy of serving Him. Alas! many Christians are in this position. Those who are blind in the sense of 2 Peter 1:9, or lame in the sense of Hebrews 12:13, whilst retaining their title and privilege as children of God, cannot perform as they ought their service as worshippers. And this is a great loss, not only for them, but first of all for the Lord.

If our High Priest bears graciously with the defects and infirmities of His people (ch. 21, confirmed by Hebrews 4:15), He cannot on the other hand be associated with that in them which in ch. 22 represents an actual sin: an issue or leprosy (v. 4). Such defilement on the part of a believer deprives him of the enjoyment of "holy things".