Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 1 of 5
Devotional: July 20th

Leviticus 25:39-55

When the trumpet of deliverance sounded (v. 9), the slave recovered his liberty, the poor his possession, families were reunited, each inheritance returned to its true owner. It was a restoration, a general rejoicing, a type of that which Israel will know, as also the whole world, when Satan will be bound and the creation on the other hand delivered from bondage. Up to the present suffering and "travailing in pain", the creation will then joy in the glorious liberty of the children of God (Romans 8:21). Like the poor man who has been sold to a stranger (v. 47), the people of Israel who by their own fault have forfeited their heritage, will finally recover it from the hands of the One who has redeemed it: Christ, the true Boaz (Ruth 4).

If God must have the last word in all that concerns His creation, we can be sure that He will also fully set free every one of those who belong to Him. A brother in Christ may have allowed himself to be deprived of the enjoyment of his inheritance and have become spiritually poor. The Lord’s thought is to restore him in grace by wiping out all the past (He does not ask us to find out just why the brother has become poor) and to bring him into fresh enjoyment of all heavenly treasures.