Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 2 of 5
Devotional: September 4th

1 Chronicles 16:7-22

The singers and the musicians have been appointed. In our days singing is no longer only for the few. We all surely love to sing a song of grateful praise and in particular during the Lord’s Supper to join our voices in songs of adoration (Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16). Here in our chapter David delivers into the hand of Asaph "first this psalm to thank the LORD". His Name, His works, His glory, His relationship with His people, . . . what good reasons the Israelite had to bless Him! For us who know the Lord Jesus and His work on the cross, how many more subjects there are for our worship! Yes, let us sing with understanding; let us think about the words we utter. Our hymns, composed according to the Bible, develop many varied aspects of the glories of the Father and the Son. It is important and helpful to distinguish these different aspects.

What are the children of God in relation to the world which surrounds them? – "but few, even a few, and strangers in it" (v. 19). Are they unhappy? Very much to the contrary! "Glory ye in his holy name" is the answer in v. 10. The name of Jesus, our relationship through Him with the Father, that is our glory, our riches, our joy and also our safety.