Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 2 of 5
Devotional: December 10th

Nehemiah 9:5-15

A number of Levites whose names are given here summon the people to stand up and bless the LORD. And they address to Him, in the name of the whole congregation, the long prayer which forms the rest of this chapter. The first words of it are: "Thou, even thou, art LORD alone . . .". Then, referring to the creation, the Levites praise the fulfilment of God’s purposes, the call of Abraham – whose heart was found faithful – the deliverance from Egypt, the Red Sea, the patient care given to Israel throughout the desert journey with the giving of the law and finally the entry into the land. The pronoun thou used with an active verb occurs not less than twenty-five times in these few verses.

Praising God firstly for who He is, then for what He has done, is also the privilege of us, who belong to the Lord. Let us often contemplate in our hearts what grace has done for us. Let us endeavour to find more and more reasons for thanksgiving which will forge just as many links of love with our heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus. Like David, let us exhort our souls to bless the Lord and forget not "all his benefits" (Psalms 103:2)! But in fact these benefits are countless!