Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 3 of 5
Devotional: February 10th

Job 38:39-41; ; Job 39:1-18

Rendered speechless by the consideration of the great wonders of nature, then by the laws which govern the balance of the universe, Job, an uninformed pupil, is now questioned on zoology by the Master of all knowledge. His mark in this subject will not be good! Although our patriarch lived a long time ago and in spite of all the efforts of man since then to get to the bottom of them, how many mysteries exist in Creation, mysteries which human science comes up against, often blinded by its own theories! Think, for example, of the question of the origin of life!

God speaks of many things in these four chapters. He speaks of small things as well as large ones, but they are all things which He has made. In contrast, we shall not find here a single word about Job’s works. The LORD can accept none of all the worthy things which the patriarch took the trouble to list in such detail. Without the cross, which God was already looking forward to (Romans 3:25), yes, without the cross, such a man was lost.

My friend, if you perhaps still put your trust in your own efforts and abilities, look to the Lord. He has Himself accomplished great things which exalt His wisdom . . . but, above all, He has completed the work of your salvation, which shows how great His love is.