Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 3 of 5
Devotional: March 17th

Psalms 30:1-12

True for the remnant of Israel, vv. 1-5 are also apt for the encouragement of all the redeemed, reminding them that if they have to pass through "light affliction . . . for a moment", it will work for them an "eternal weight of glory" (2 Corinthians 4:17). The tears which are the lot of many in the dark night of this world will soon give place to songs of gladness in the morning of the eternal day. But even during the night, in the midst of trials, the one who knows the Lord possesses an inward joy which enables him to sing (Psalms 42:8; Job 35:10). He thus sheds around him a most powerful testimony (Acts 16:24-25).

It is dangerous to get discouraged in a time of trial! On the other hand, a believer who enjoys prosperity runs the risk of relying on that (my mountain – says the psalmist, v. 7), making it necessary for God to shake its foundations to bring the faithful to seek Him (vv. 6-8). Prosperity in the world easily becomes an obstacle to communion with the Lord; it is therefore to our advantage to be stripped of it. How can we escape these dangers? By looking beyond the present night, and up higher than "our mountain"; by viewing everything in the perspective of the eternity of bliss.