Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 3 of 5
Devotional: May 29th

Isaiah 40:18-31

A great question is going to be discussed in ch. 40-48 which we are beginning: that of the idolatry of the people. This subject begins, of course, by stating the point: Who is the God of creation? (v. 12 . . .). Before speaking about false gods, the prophet establishes the existence and greatness of the incomparable God (vv. 18, 25; cf. Psalms 147:5). This is also the best way of proclaiming the Gospel. Let us begin by presenting the Lord Jesus. Few words will then be sufficient to show the vanity of worldly idols. When a little child has got hold of a dangerous object, do you have to pull it out of his hands? No, it is much better to offer him a more attractive toy which will make him let it go without difficulty.

Not only does God possess power in Himself, but He is the source of all true power. For you also, young people who perhaps think that you possess some strength and personal qualities! Remember vv. 29-31; they have proved themselves by giving fresh hope to many discouraged believers. You too should lay hold of them in your hearts in the same way that a runner or wise traveller keeps something special in reserve for the moment when tiredness makes itself felt.