Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 3 of 5
Devotional: July 10th

Matthew 6:1-18

Almsgiving (vv. 1-4), prayer (vv. 5-15) and fasting (vv. 16-18) are the three principal ways by which men think to perform their "religious duties". When these actions are performed in a manner intended to be taken notice of by others, the satisfaction thereby obtained takes the place of true reward (John 5:44). Alas! the human heart is so crafty that it makes use of even the best things to increase its own self-importance. The most generous gifts, if given to be seen of men, can be equated with the worst form of selfishness; penitence can be shown on the face — and self-satisfaction may be in the depths of the heart.

The Lord teaches us how to pray. It is not a question in any way of prayer being a meritorious act, but the humble presentation of our needs to our heavenly Father, in the secret of our own room. Are not our prayers often hackneyed phrases, trite repetitions? (see Ecclesiastes 5:2). Yes, even this beautiful prayer, taught by the Lord to His disciples (vv. 9-13), perfectly suited to the needs of that moment, has become a vain repetition for many. The child of God has privileges which the Israelite did not possess. Through the Spirit he can approach the throne of grace at any time in the name of the Lord Jesus. Do we avail ourselves of this?