Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 3 of 5
Devotional: November 23rd

Mark 1:29-45

After the synagogue in Capernaum, the home of Andrew and Simon is the scene of a miracle of grace. The Lord Jesus is always ready to be received into our homes and to grant us His deliverance. Let us be like the disciples, let us speak to Him about whatever is troubling us (v. 30). As soon as she was healed, Simon’s mother-in-law hastens to minister to the Lord and His followers. Did she not have before her very eyes the Example of the greatest service?

The evening drew on; but for such a Servant the day is not finished. They bring to Him those who are sick, and tirelessly He relieves their pain and heals them. What was the secret of this wonderful activity? From where did the Lord Jesus draw such strength which was constantly being renewed? V. 35 tells us that it came from being in communion with His God. See how this perfect Man begins His day (cf. Isaiah 50:4). But when He is told of His popularity, He leaves the crowds who are only curious to see His miracles, and goes off to preach the gospel elsewhere.

Then the Lord Jesus heals a leper and tells him exactly how he must bear testimony, a testimony according to the Word (v. 44; Leviticus 14:1-57). Sadly the man acts according to his own thoughts and this hinders God’s work in this town.