Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 4 of 5
Devotional: June 14th

Luke 19:11-28

This parable presents at one and the same time the rejection of the Lord Jesus as King (v. 14), and the responsibility of those who are His during the time of His absence. In the parable of the "talents" in Matthew 25:1-46, each servant received a different sum according to the sovereign will of the master, but the reward was the same. In this parable however, one pound is entrusted to each servant and the reward is in proportion to the servant’s activity. To each believer God gives the same salvation, the same Word, the same Spirit, as well as the different gifts given to each one. On the other hand, not all have the same zeal to use these blessings to the glory of their absent Master. For the secret of service is love for Him whom we serve. The greater the love, the greater will be the dedication. It is because he hated his master, finding him severe and unjust, that the third servant did no work for him. He represents all nominal Christians from whom God will take away even what they seem to have (v. 26). Sadly though, even true children of God may accept the gifts while refusing the service, depriving the Lord and finally themselves of the fruit He would have called them to enjoy with Him.