Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 4 of 5
Devotional: July 7th

John 3:22-36

John’s disciples feel somewhat jealous in seeing their master losing his importance and someone else becoming more important (v. 26; John 4:1). With the exception of two of them (one was Andrew), who had left John to follow the Lord Jesus (John 1:37), these men had not understood what exactly was the mission of the forerunner. He was the friend of the Bridegroom. And what provoked his disciples’ discontent made, on the contrary, his joy complete (v. 29); he was happy to stand aside before the Lord. His wonderful reply should be engraved on each of our hearts like a watchword, "He must increase, but I must decrease" (v. 30). These words give John the opportunity to exalt the Lord Jesus: He is above all men not because of the authority which the crowds recognize in Him, but because He comes from above (v. 31). And He does not come from above like an angel, but as the object of all the affection of the Father, as His heir (Hebrews 1:2). Such a visit has put the whole human race to the test and divided it into two groups: firstly, those who believe in the Son – they have eternal life from now on. As for those who do not believe – what a terrible thought – the wrath of God rests upon them. In which group are you? (John 20:31).