Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 4 of 5
Devotional: July 9th

John 4:19-38

It is a remarkable thing that the first teaching of the Lord to this poor Samaritan woman does not concern her behaviour but worship, which is the wonderful service of all believers.

Where, when and how should praise be given to the Lord? The religion of forms and ceremonies has been put to one side; the hour is come – and now is – of worship in spirit and in truth. To whom and through whom should worship be rendered? No longer to the LORD, the God of Israel, but to the Father, in accordance with a completely new relationship between God and man – that of His children. Henceforth it rests with them to present this praise. They are called true worshippers. You, who have been sought by God with this aim in view, will you now deny the Lord the fruit of His work?

As soon as she heard this, the woman abandons her waterpot and hurries off to tell everyone in the town about the Person she has met. As for the disciples, they show their inability to enter into their Master’s thoughts. The Lord Jesus draws His strength and joy from communion with His Father (v. 34) and from the prospects which were before Him. He was already discerning the future harvest: the multitude of those He was going to redeem (v. 35; cf. Psalms 126:6).