Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 5 of 5
Devotional: January 14th

Psalms 104:19-35

We tend to attach a great deal of importance to work and to the workmanship of man (v. 23). But how insignificant it is beside the works of God which provide countless examples of His wisdom! (v. 24). And it is first and foremost on Him, and not on the work of man, that every creature depends for its survival (vv. 27, 28; Matthew 7:11). Let us not attribute our gains to our own efforts but to His grace. Yes, "the earth is full of His riches"; may we know how to recognise and observe them. However, it is possible to admire and enjoy creation without knowing the One who made it. Many artists and philosophers have confused the Truth with nature, upon which sin has left its unclean mark. Just contemplating nature does not tell the sinner about God’s holiness, righteousness and grace. In the same way, to get to know an architect really well it is not sufficient to visit the buildings which he has made (and which the careless occupiers may have wrecked); it is necessary to have visited him, to learn about his character, his family, his habits. Let us then not forget that we do not discover God; it is He who reveals Himself, not to our senses, for He is a Spirit (John 4:24) but to our souls, not only through nature but also in His Word (Psalms 19:1-14).