Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 5 of 5
Devotional: February 4th

Psalms 119:89-112

No matter how firmly the earth has been established (v. 90), the Word of the Lord has been established even more so. What a blessing, in a world where everything is uncertain, where the frenzied activity of fallen man unfolds in thoughts which will all perish, to be able to know the eternal thoughts of God and to trust in His unchanging promises! Heaven and earth will pass away but His words will not pass away (Matthew 24:35). Moreover all creation has only one purpose: "for all are thy servants . . ." (v. 91). Such is also our privilege, but let us serve Him intelligently and with all our hearts.

Only the Lord truly lived up to vv. 97-112. He understood more "than the ancients" because He kept the divine precepts, whilst they were happy just to teach them (v. 100). He was wiser than all the enemies who set traps for Him (v. 110; Matthew 22:15; Matthew 22:34).

Who would risk travelling at night without a lamp across an area riddled with obstacles? In the darkness of this world and amidst the traps set by wicked people lying in wait (vv. 110, 95), the Word is that lamp, that indispensable light on our pathway (v. 105). Let us not be afraid of using it too much, in order to see where we are treading (v. 101)!