Daily Devotionals
Our Daily Homily - Volume 3
Devotional: August 14th

Mark 2:22—New wine into fresh wine-skins.(R.V.)

Ah, our Lord! Thou hast been speaking of the bridegroom and his coming to the feast. Thou remindest us of the olden comparison of thy love as better than wine, and of thy first miracle at Cana of Galilee. May thy love be poured into ear hearts as the fresh juice crushed from the grapes! We have no love of our own to offer Thee; but, oh, pour thy love into hearts that yearn to love Thee with thy love. And let it not be only the memory of the love that was, but the living, fresh enjoyment of the love that is ever new. The new wine of thy love is what we long for, that it may sweep into our hearts as the spring tide along the golden sands, which it frees from their accumulation of débris and waste. Oh for the constraints of thy love—new, fresh, living!

But the Master says, Children, if you have your request, the new wine may refuse to take on with the old shapes; it will make for itself new channels and forms of manifestation; when others fast, you will feast; when others feast, you will be sad. You will be counted eccentric and peculiar. Men will murmur at you, and find fault. They may even cast you out of their churches and social circles.

There is but one answer: Leave us not to ourselves. Permit us not to follow the promptings and suggestions of our undisciplined wills; but provide for us the new wine-skins also. Show us what Thou wouldst have us be and do; and let the methods in which our hearts’ devotion shall express itself be so lovely, so befitting, so helpful to the world, and so full of God, that men may recognize thy hand, and adore Thee. Let not thy love be spilled, but stored for the refreshment of others; through our lives. Oh, give us love!