Daily Devotionals
Spiritual Treasury For The Children of God
Devotional: June 6th

Morning Devotional

And I said, This is my infirmity.- Psalms 77:10.

While in the body, we are in such an imperfect state, as to be liable to various exercises of mind, through indwelling corruptions, and the suggestions of Satan. Saints in all ages have experienced fluctuating frames. Like mariners on a tempestuous sea, at one time, they seem to mount up to heaven, in comfort and joy; at another, they sink down, in apprehension, to the depths of hell; then, like persons at their wit’s end, they express themselves, in a very unreasonable manner. Doubt and uncertainty take place of knowledge and truth: unbelief seems to prevail against faith; and they are ready to call all in question: not only, past sweet experiences of God’s love to their souls, but the very existence of God’s promises, faithfulness, and truth. And they write with the pen of inspiration (though not of the Spirit of truth, but of a lying spirit) many false and bitter things against themselves. "Woe is me, I am undone," saith Isaiah. "Woe is me," saith Jeremiah. "Without were fightings, within were fears," say the apostles. "I shall one day perish by the hand of Saul," saith David. And in this psalm, hope seems to be, as it were, giving up the ghost, and with languid, faint accents breathes, "Will the Lord cast off for ever? will he be favorable no more? is his mercy clean gone for ever? doth his promise fail for evermore? hath God forgotten to be gracious? hath he, in anger, shut up his tender mercies?" So that you see, O tossed, tempted, tried believer, this is the way saints in all ages have gone to glory. Thou hast thy lot with them now; soon thou also shalt be where they are. But O what a gloomy prospect, what soul-distressing views, must that poor sinner have, who lives upon his frames, whose hope springs from his own faithfulness, or trusts to the exercise of his own grace, instead of the God of all grace, the blessed Jesus, "who is the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever!" How comforting! how heart-reviving to know that the Lord, "who sent redemption unto his people, will ever be mindful of his covenant, which standeth fast for ever!"- Psalms 111:9. Therefore the Holy Spirit stands engaged, in covenant-contract, to execute his office, as the comforter. When he is pleased to revive the soul with the views of Jesus, his glorious work, and finished salvation, Satan skulks away, like a mean, abashed liar: the believer returns to his right mind, takes shame to himself, and says, That I should ever doubt of thy love, call in question thy truth, and suspect thy faithfulness: O my God, this is my infirmity!

Hence from my soul sad thoughts be gone,

And leave me to my joys;

My tongue shall triumph in my God;

Christ pleads his righteous cause.

Darkness and doubt had veil’d my mind,

And drown’d my eyes in tears,

Till sov’reign grace with shining rays

Dispell’d my gloomy fears.

In vain the tempter frights my soul,

And breaks my peace again;

One glimpse, dear Saviour, of thy face

Revives my joys again.

Evening Devotional

There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. Proverbs 14:12.

This is a melancholy truth, “All flesh has corrupted his way upon the earth.” (Genesis 6:12.) From sad experience of this, Jeremiah confesses, “O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself: It is not in man who walketh to direct his steps.” (Jeremiah 10:23.) ALL we like sheep have gone astray: we have turned every one to his own way, says Isaiah (Isaiah 53:6.) O it is a most blessed thing to be convinced of this and humbly pray with David, “See if there be any way of wickedness in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” (Psalms 139:24.) We can never enough call to mind, love and praise our good shepherd, who came to seek, and save us, from our own way, which seemeth right in our eyes. What way is this? A most dangerous one. It is the way of wickedness, in which we have strong confidence of our own righteousness. Every man is naturally in this way. The most openly profane, as well as the decent Pharisee, possesses some hope in himself, that he has done, or can do something to save himself, and that his way is right, and shall end well at the last. The worst of men must think at times, if destitute of all hope, black despair must ensue. A false hope, built upon self-righteousness, keeps up their spirits. How long? Till they go down to hell with a lie in their right hand: Or till the Spirit of God convinces them of sin: shews them their condemnation for sin: and that they are destitute of righteousness-that nothing short of an absolute perfect one, can justify them before God-and that this is only to be found in the Son of God. Now every way leads to some end. The way that seems right in a man’s own eyes, will end in death: in the death of hope, and destruction of the soul.

The man, who is in this way, that seemeth right unto him, is ever exalting his own righteousness, and decrying the imputed righteousness of Christ. Stop, O soul, and consider, what way art thou in? That which seems right in thy own sight, or, that which God declares is right in his? Remember, “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he who hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.” (Proverbs 12:15.) Jesus is our counsellor. Hearken to him. He says, “I am the way.” (John 14:6.) The only way, exclusive of every other way, of pardon from God, peace and acceptance with God, justification before God, and enjoyment of God. This is the good old way, walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. Jeremiah 6:16.

O Christ, who art the only way

Unto eternal life,

Preserve and keep my soul each day

From unbelieving strife.

There’s many ways that lead to death,

Which foolish men pursue:

Lord keep me in the way of faith,

The only way and true.