Daily Devotionals
Spiritual Treasury For The Children of God
Devotional: July 14th

Morning Devotional

But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sin, for ever sat down on the right hand of God.- Hebrews 10:12.

The cross of Christ is the Christian’s glory. Yet the small share that Jesus hath in the Christian’s affections is his shame. Really disciples of Jesus do not love their Saviour as they ought. Why? because they are slow of heart to believe his love to them and his sufferings for them. How little are our hearts in meditation upon the labours of love, toils of sorrows, and agonies of soul, which Jesus in our nature sustained on our account. If a friendly arm is reached forth and snatches a poor mortal from the jaws of approaching death, O how does it call forth love to his kind deliverer! when he reflects on his danger, how does it excite his gratitude! he cannot think of his preserver but he remembers his mercy. But where is our warm affection, our fervent love to that precious MAN, whose heart was as a flame of love to us, and who willingly offered himself as a sacrifice for our sins? how was he straitened till this baptism was accomplished! how did his soul long till it was finished! But alas! we think too little of our danger. We are too prone to look upon sin as a matter of small moment; because the sacrifice of Jesus is not so constantly upon our hearts. Disciple, dost thou not see cause of mourning for this? hast thou not cause to pray daily for more heart-affecting views of Jesus by the Spirit? O the infinite value of this ONE sacrifice! Sin, how malignant its nature! How deep its stain! nothing but blood divine could atone for it. How prevalent this ONE sacrifice! it hath for ever put away ALL our sins. BEHOLD THE MAN! gaze, wonder, adore, and love; Jesus on the cross, fully atoning for sin. This work being for ever done; behold this MAN for ever sat down on the right hand of God.

There he pleads the sinner’s cause and presents the perfection of his sacrifice. What singular consolation is this! A sense of sin is distressing to the converted soul. But O, when the ONE sacrifice by this ONE MAN is beheld by the eye of faith, how does it revive the drooping heart, give peace to the troubled conscience, and excite joy in the sorrowful mind? Poor sinners have nothing else to look to for hope. Pardon and peace can be had from no other object but the blood of Jesus. Of this we can never glory too much. Nor can our confidence be too strong, our expectations too great, our triumphs in Jesus over sin, Satan, the law and death, be at any time unseasonable. These precious truths are our never failing springs of consolation. "The blood of Jesus cleanseth from all sin. If we sin, we have an advocate with the Father,"- 1 John 2:1.

Our faith adores thy bleeding love,

And trusts for life in ONE that dy’d;

We hope for heavenly crowns above

From a Redeemer crucify’d.

Evening Devotional

Who is this that cometh up from the wilderness, leaning upon her beloved? Song of Solomon 8:5.

Who! the wonder and joy of angels, the envy of devils, the contempt of the world, because a miracle of grace. Upon whom shines the glory of God’s justice, the riches of mercy, the abounding of his love, and the efficacy of his power? It is, a poor sinner, hopeless, and helpless in himself, coming up from a dismal, dreadful, dangerous state, leaning upon one who is mighty to save. Some over-rate Christians. They paint their characters so very strong and perfect, as though they forgot that they are in themselves nothing but poor sinners, whose nature is only evil continually. And these people also under-rate them, not considering what they are in Christ- new creatures, perfectly righteous-without spot of sin- infinitely glorious and comely in God’s sight. Consider, (1st.) this wilderness. You are in it, and will be coming up out of it, till you get out of the body. It is your fallen nature, called flesh. It is inhabited by none but beasts of prey and devils of destruction: cursed sins and abominable lusts. There is no path in it to life, only to death and damnation. Though you are out of it, as to your state, yet you are really in it, as to your experience. Therefore you are still coming up from it. How? (2d.) Consider this posture: Leaning. It implies weakness, weariness, languor, fainting: yet aspires to ascend, to get on and get out. Do not you find this exactly your case? You are weary of the wilderness of nature and sin, and long to get out of it; yet find not strength in yourself to ascend. Bless your soul, that you have a Beloved to lean upon. He is your Beloved, if you take him as such. You will find him the Beloved of your soul indeed, if you lean upon him. (3d.) What is it to lean upon Jesus? (1st.) It is to cast yourself, the whole weight of yourself, sin and misery upon him, as having undertaken to support and sustain you. (2d.) To join or cleave to him, and associate with him; refusing all other props and supports but him. (3d.) To rejoice and delight your soul in him and in the company of him. (4th.) To strengthen yourself in him, and get strength from him. Just as a weak person does by leaning upon a staff in his journey. Jesus is all this to the mind by faith. Well then is he called our Beloved. What remains, but that we prove his love by the faith of our hearts? So let us glory of him, and honour and serve him as the beloved of our souls; till, leaning upon him all our journey through the earth, we come to enjoy him in heaven.

I’ll trust, and lean, and sweetly sing

Of my Beloved dear;

Tho’ I’m weak, in want of ev’ry thing,

He doth my spirits cheer.

I have no strength, support, or hope,

But what from Christ doth spring:

His love does keep my spirit up,

While faith’s kept on the wing.