Daily Devotionals
John Gossner's Treasury
Devotional: March 14th

The chastisement of our peace was upon him. And the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:5-6.

What do you fear, O sinner? The penalty of sin? Do you fear judgment, death, devil, and hell, as the wages earned by your sins? Do not fear that which does not lie upon you, but which lay upon Christ. He entered the judgment, and death, and the battle against the devil, and hell, for you. He has endured, overcome and conquered it all. Why then, do you fear that which no more lies upon you, that which was laid upon the back of the Lamb and which He has taken away, blotted out and made good? But how did your sins come to lie upon His back? God laid them upon Him because He foresaw that you could not bear them and blot them out, and that they would crush you. God took pity upon your back, and therefore He laid your sins upon the back of His Son, and the Son took them upon Himself, voluntarily, and carried them away. Therefore, do not fear that which is abolished and blotted out, but turn your eye diligently to the back of the Lamb and behold how heavily He is laden with your sins; how He, bowed down beneath His heavy burden, is in deep agony; how He sighs, sweats blood and comes near to perishing. Learn from this to fear that which is yet terrible, and which will always continue to be terrible, as long as you sojourn in the flesh, namely, the sinful lusts that tempt you unto sin. Learn, by considering the Lamb laden with sin, what an evil sin is and how carefully you must guard against it and against laying new burdens upon the Lamb of God and call down upon you new judgments and new penalties. On the other hand, seek to possess that peace which the Lamb of God by blotting out your sins has purchased for you. This peace your old sins shall not and can not steal from you; but new unfaithfulness and new offences against the Lamb will rob you of it. Beware and regard unceasingly the Lamb of God.

Thou didst bear the smiting only

That it might not fall on me;

Stoodest falsely charged and lonely.

That I might be safe and free;

Comfortless that I might know

Comfort from thy boundless woe.

Thousand, thousand thanks shall be,

Blessed Jesus, unto Thee.