Daily Devotionals
John Gossner's Treasury
Devotional: May 31st

Ye shall know that I am in the midst of Israel. Joel 2:27. Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. Matthew 18:20.

Yes, we may know that He is "in the midst" of us, whether it be two or two thousand who gather together in His name. We can experience it, even though the world disbelieve it, reject and rail at it as fanaticism. We experience it; this you know, who love the Savior with all your heart. God has said, Ye shall know that I am in the midst of you; consequently it must be possible, it must be an object of experience. Only he who experiences it, knows that it actually takes place; for it is a matter of the heart and can not be explained. It must also remain in the heart. Oh, that the Savior may have this joy, every time we come together, to let Himself be known by us. Oh, that we may thus be gathered together in His name, in a living faith and in true love to His name; then He shall never fail to come. He never fails. He cannot be absent from us. It is we who fail to come to Him; we do not see Him. But if we are gathered together in the Spirit, if we are intent on Him, and long only for Him, we shall surely feel His never-failing presence among us. Do not body and soul live and rejoice in the living God when He makes Himself known? Is not everything living, powerful, anointed and beautiful when He lets Himself be known among us? Is not everything dead, cold, dark and insipid when the heart lacks Him, when we do not have Jesus in our midst? Therefore, nobody should in Christian congregations seek anything else but Jesus and His presence; for all other longing and desire are mere chaff blown away by the wind. The most beautiful sermon, the best book, does not please us when He is not found in it. “I am in the midst of you. Ye shall know it. " So be it.

Lord Jesus, though but two or three

In Thy dear name assembled be.

Thou wilt among them show Thy face.

And bless them with Thy saving grace.