Bible Dictionaries
Elath, Eloth

Morrish Bible Dictionary

Seaport town at the extreme north of the Gulf of Akaba branch of the Red Sea. First mentioned in the wanderings of the Israelites; it was afterwards included in the dominion of Solomon, near to which, at Ezion-geber, he had a navy of ships. Afterwards we read that it was built by Azariah, and was restored to Judah; but subsequently it was conquered by Rezin and held by the Syrians, until it became a frontier town of Rome. Deuteronomy 2:8; 1 Kings 9:26; 2 Kings 14:22; 2 Kings 16:6; 2 Chronicles 8:17; 2 Chronicles 26:2 . It was situate about 29 29' N, 35 2' E . Elath is now called Aqaba and is in Jordan, it is the only sea-port of that country.

Bibliography Information
Morrish, George. Entry for 'Elath, Eloth'. Morrish Bible Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​mbd/​e/elath-eloth.html. 1897.