Bible Dictionaries
Aikenhead, Mary

1910 New Catholic Dictionary

Foundress of Irish Sisters of Charity, born Cork, Ireland, 1787; died Dublin, Ireland, 1858. She embraced Catholicism in 1802 and became active in charitable work. When she wished to enter the religious life Archbishop Murray of Dublin desired her to found a congregation of the Sisters of Charity in Ireland. This she did, 1815, assuming the name of Sister Mary Augustine. As superior-general she directed her Sisters in their heroic work during the Asiatic cholera plague of 1832 in Dublin and Cork. At her death the order embraced ten institutions, besides missions and other charitable enterprises.

Bibliography Information
Entry for 'Aikenhead, Mary'. 1910 New Catholic Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​ncd/​a/aikenhead-mary.html. 1910.