Bible Dictionaries

1910 New Catholic Dictionary

Also spelled Altotting or Oetinga. Royal palace in Upper Bavaria, near which King Karlmann erected a Benedictine monastery, 876, and built the abbey church of Saint Philip the Apostle. The church and abbey, ransacked and burned by the Hungarians, 910, were rebuilt and entrusted to twelve Augustinian Canons and a provost, who remained until the secularization of the Bavarian monasteries, 1803. Under their care was also the Liebfrauen-Kapelle with its miraculous image of Our Lady. The number of pilgrims who visit this shrine is so great that it has been necessary for the Augustmians to seek the aid of the Jesuits, Franciscans, Capuchins, Redemptorists, and some secular priests.

Bibliography Information
Entry for 'Altotting'. 1910 New Catholic Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​ncd/​a/altotting.html. 1910.