Bible Dictionaries

1910 New Catholic Dictionary

Semi-independent republic in the Pyrenees between France and Spain; area, 191 square miles. Released from the Saracen yoke by Charlemagne and Louis the Pious, Andorra was ceded in the 11th century to the bishops of Urgel, who associated the French Counts of Foix in the government. The country is now under the joint suzerainty of France and the Bishop of Urgel, Spain, who each appoint a civiland a criminal judge. The Bishop of Urgel bears the title of Sovereign Prince of Andorra, the only temporal sovereignty, except the Vatican State, now held by an ecclesiastic. The republic has a general syndic or president, elected for life by the Council General of twenty-four elected members, which has supreme administrative and judicial power but cannot legislate or sign foreign treaties without the consent of the Bishop of Urgel and the French prefect. The country is included in the Spanish Diocese of Urgel, founded in the 4th century, of which Seo de Urgel, in Spain, is the cathedral city; the chief town of the republic is Andorra La Vieja.

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Bibliography Information
Entry for 'Andorra'. 1910 New Catholic Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​ncd/​a/andorra.html. 1910.