Bible Dictionaries
Ansegisus, Saint

1910 New Catholic Dictionary

Abbot (c.770-c.833). A Benedictine of Fontenelle, he was entrusted by Charlemagne and later Louis le Débonnaire with the reform and restoration of the monasteries of Saint Sixtus, Saint Memius, Flay, and Luxeuil. Becoming Abbot of Fontenelle he made this monastery famous for learning, discipline, and its library. He divided among various monasteries the riches he obtained from his diplomatic missions. His "Capitulars," or collection of the laws of Charlemagne and Louis, are famous. Feast, July 20,.

Bibliography Information
Entry for 'Ansegisus, Saint'. 1910 New Catholic Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​ncd/​a/ansegisus-saint.html. 1910.