Bible Dictionaries
Benziger, Joseph Charles

1910 New Catholic Dictionary

(1762-1841) Founder of the Catholic publishing house which bears his name. Born Einltiedeln, Switzerland; died there. The business, established in 1800, took the name of "Benziger Brothers" when he was succeeded in 1833 by his sons, Charles (1799-1873) and Nicholas (1808-1864). It still exists at Einsiedeln, under their descendants. The New York branch, now independent of the European house, and managed by the fifth generation of the family, the three sons of Nicholas C. Benziger (1859-1925), was founded in 1853. The business includes the sale of church goods of all kinds. Branches were established in Cincinnati, 1860, and Chicago, 1887. The studios are in Brooklyn, New York, Bridgeport, Connecticut, and Pietrasanta, Italy.

Bibliography Information
Entry for 'Benziger, Joseph Charles'. 1910 New Catholic Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​ncd/​b/benziger-joseph-charles.html. 1910.