Bible Dictionaries
Berchmans, John, Saint

1910 New Catholic Dictionary

Confessor, born Diest, Brabant, 1599; died Rome, Italy, 1621. He studied at Mechlin and entered the Society of Jesus, 1616. Having been sent to Rome in 1619, he fell illin 1621, immediately following his public disputation in philosophy, and died shortly afterward. His short religious life was distinguished by a faithful observance of the Rule of the Order, which brought him quickly to perfection. Patron of youths; altar boys' societies are named after him. Emblems: the Rule of Saint Ignatius, a cross, and rosary. Canonized, 1888. Relics in San Ignazio, Rome, Italy. Feast, August 13,; in the Society of Jesus, November 27,.

Bibliography Information
Entry for 'Berchmans, John, Saint'. 1910 New Catholic Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​ncd/​b/berchmans-john-saint.html. 1910.