Bible Dictionaries
Brisson, Louis Alexander Alphonse

1910 New Catholic Dictionary

(1817-1908) Reorganizer of the Oblates of Saint Francis de Sales, born Plancy, France; died there. After studying at the seminary of Troyes, he was admitted to the priesthood, 1840. With Marie de Sales Chappuis of the Visitandines of Troyes, whose confessor he had been for 30 years, he revived the congregation of Oblates of Saint Francis de Sales, when he established Saint Bernard's College, 1869. He was biographer as well as director of Mother Marie de Sales.

Bibliography Information
Entry for 'Brisson, Louis Alexander Alphonse'. 1910 New Catholic Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​ncd/​b/brisson-louis-alexander-alphonse.html. 1910.