Bible Dictionaries
Cattolica, Civiltà

1910 New Catholic Dictionary

(Catholic Citizenship) A fortnightly review, published in Rome, which treats political, social, and religious questions from the Catholic standpoint, gives the news of the world, and criticizes important books. It was established, with the approval of Pius IX, 1850, by Fathers Curci, Bresciani, Liberatore, and Zaparelli, of the Society of Jesus. Since 1853 it has had its own printing establishment in Rome, having been published there, after the first six months in Naples, except for an interval in Florence, 1870-1887.

Bibliography Information
Entry for 'Cattolica, Civiltà'. 1910 New Catholic Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​ncd/​c/cattolica-civilta-.html. 1910.