Bible Dictionaries
Charles O'conor 19th Century

1910 New Catholic Dictionary

Lawyer; born New York, 1804; died Nantucket, Massachusetts, 1884. He was admitted to the New York bar and made rapid progress, and the case of Stewart v.Lispenard, 1843, permanently established his fame. He played an important part in the State Constitutional Convention of 1846 to which he was nominated by all political parties. In 1812 he was nominated by the Democrats for president of the United States. Among his later important cases were his defense of Edwin Forrest, of Jefferson Davis, and his prosecution of William Tweed for municipal corruption.

Bibliography Information
Entry for 'Charles O'conor 19th Century'. 1910 New Catholic Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​ncd/​c/charles-oconor-19th-century.html. 1910.