Bible Dictionaries
Claude Gelle�

1910 New Catholic Dictionary

Painter and etcher, born Chamagne, Lorraine, 1600; died Rome, Italy, 1681. He lived mainly in Italy and resided in Rome from 1625 till his death. He was a master of classic landscape and noted for his unusual treatment of sunlight and some degree of impressionism. Among his patrons were Pope Urban VIII, Pope Innocent X, Pope Alexander VII, and Pope Clement IX. He left a large number of canvases, among the best-known being "The Embarcation of the Queen of Sheba," and the "Nuptials of Isaac and Rebecca," both in the National Gallery in London, and "The Village Dance" in the Louvre. Of his etchings "The Herdsman" is the most admired.

Bibliography Information
Entry for 'Claude Gelle�'. 1910 New Catholic Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​ncd/​c/claude-gelleac.html. 1910.