Bible Dictionaries
Clement Mary Hofbauer, Saint

1910 New Catholic Dictionary

(John Dvorák) (1751-1821) Confessor, apostle of Vienna, second founder of the Redemptorists, born Tasswitz, Moravia; died Vienna. He studied at Vienna, and visiting Rome as a pilgrim, he joined the Redemptorist Order and was ordained, 1785. With a companion, Thaddäus Hübl, he introduced the congregation into Warsaw, 1786, where it had phenomenal success until 1808, when its houses were suppressed and the fathers exiled from the grand-duchy. Clement then acted as chaplain to an Ursuline convent in Vienna. He was the chief supporter of religion in Austria, and contributed greatly to the extinction of Josephinism. Canonized, 1909. Feast, March 15,.

Bibliography Information
Entry for 'Clement Mary Hofbauer, Saint'. 1910 New Catholic Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​ncd/​c/clement-mary-hofbauer-saint.html. 1910.