Bible Dictionaries
Colette, Saint

1910 New Catholic Dictionary

(1381-1447) Virgin, foundress of the Colettine Poor Clares (Clarisses), born Corbie, France; died Ghent, Belgium. Successively a Beguine, Benedictine, Urbanist Poor Clare, and a recluse, she entered the order of Poor Clares, was appointed superior general, and began a successful reform of the Poor Clare convent at Beaume, Switzerland, which spread rapidly through France, Savoy, Germany, and Flanders. Her rule prescribed that the nuns go barefooted, observe perpetual fast and abstinence, and practice extreme poverty. The reform also embraced the Franciscan friars (Coletani), suppressed, 1517. Endowed with great spiritual gifts, many miracles were wrought through her, and she exerted remarkable moral influence over her associates. Represented in art delivering a soul from purgatory, and being carried to heaven by an angel. Emblems: a lamb, birds. Canonized, 1807. Relics at Poligny. Feast, March 6,.

Bibliography Information
Entry for 'Colette, Saint'. 1910 New Catholic Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​ncd/​c/colette-saint.html. 1910.