Bible Dictionaries
Haüy, Valentin

1910 New Catholic Dictionary

Pioneer instructor of the blind, brother of preceding; born Saint-Just, Picardy, France, 1745; died Paris, France, 1822. He was educated at the abbey school of the Premonstratensians, and in Paris. While an interpreter attached to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he became interested in the education of the blind. In 1786 he discovered the art of embossed printing and made use of it to instruct his blind pupils. His efforts were successful and he extended his work to Russia, Prussia, and Germany. He wrote an "Essay on the Education of the Blind" (Paris, 1786).

Bibliography Information
Entry for 'Haüy, Valentin'. 1910 New Catholic Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​ncd/​h/haa14y-valentin.html. 1910.