Bible Dictionaries

1910 New Catholic Dictionary

The 50th state to be admitted to the United States, and comprising a group of islands situated in the Pacific Ocean between 18° 54' and 22° 15' north latitude, and between 154° 50' and 160° 30' west longitude. The first Catholic priests arrived at Honolulu, 1827', but their labors were interrupted by persecutions of their converts by the Protestants, who had established missions there in 1820. In 1839 the French government put an end to the persecutions. The Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace was dedicated, 1843, and the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary arrived, 1859, to assist in the education of Hawaiian girls. One of the eight inhabited islands, Molokai, is the government settlement for lepers. It was here that Father Damien carried on his heroic work, 1873-1889, assisted, 1886, by Brother Joseph Dutton, who continued in his stead. Ecclesiastically, the state is governed by the diocese of Honolulu. See also, patron saints index.

Bibliography Information
Entry for 'Hawaii'. 1910 New Catholic Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​ncd/​h/hawaii.html. 1910.