Bible Dictionaries
Hofer, Andreas

1910 New Catholic Dictionary

Patriot, born Saint Leonhard, Passeyrthale, Tyrol, 1767; executed at Mantua, Italy, 1810. He took part in the uprising of 1806 against the Bavarians who had acquired the Tyrol by the Treaty of Presburg, and won fame by defeating them at Sterzing. Later he assisted in defeating the French at Berg Isel. Relying on Austrian promises he aided Haspinger in opposing Marshal Lefebvre, but was defeated and fled to the mountains; there he was betrayed by a Tyrolese and dragged to Mantua where his execution was ordered peremptorily by Napoleon.

Bibliography Information
Entry for 'Hofer, Andreas'. 1910 New Catholic Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​ncd/​h/hofer-andreas.html. 1910.