Bible Dictionaries
Husenbeth, Frederick Charles

1910 New Catholic Dictionary

Liturgist, born Bristol, England, 1796; died Norfolk, England, 1872. He was ordained in 1820 and shortly afterwards was sent to Cossey Hall, Norfolk, as chaplain to Sir George Stafford Jerningham, where he remained for 52 years, devoting himself to the ministrations of his office, and to literary pursuits. From 1823 till his death, he wrote numerous works on historical, liturgical, or doctrinal matters, e.g., "The Emblems of the Saints" and "The Life of Bishop Milner," published admirable editions of the Missal, and contributed to many periodicals.

Bibliography Information
Entry for 'Husenbeth, Frederick Charles'. 1910 New Catholic Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​ncd/​h/husenbeth-frederick-charles.html. 1910.