Bible Dictionaries
Sebastian, Saint

1910 New Catholic Dictionary

Martyr. Probaby born in Milan, Italy; died c.288in Rome, Italy. Little more than the fact of his martyrdom can be proved. According to the Acts written in the 5th century and now considered unhistorical, Sebastian, an officer in the imperial body-guard, was pierced with arrows, healed by Saint Irene, and finally clubbed to death. Renaissance artists first portrayed him as a youth pierced with arrows. Among the famous paintings of the saint are those by

A famous basilica was erected over his tomb in the Catacomb named for him on the Appian Way, and some of his relics were probably brought to Soissons in 829. Patron of archers and gunsmiths, and of many cities; he is also invoked against pestilence. Emblems: arrows and a crown. Feast, Roman Calendar, January 20,.

Bibliography Information
Entry for 'Sebastian, Saint'. 1910 New Catholic Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​ncd/​s/sebastian-saint.html. 1910.